Goat Milk Yogurt

Goat Milk Yogurt

Prep time: 6 hours. Servings: 1


1 quart reconstituted Powdered Goat Milk OR 1 quart diluted Evaporated Goat Milk

3 tablespoons yogurt OR 1 package dried yogurt culture*


Heat milk to a scalding 180° F. Let cool to 110° F. Add yogurt or culture. Pour yogurt mixture into jars or glasses or earthenware containers. Cover jar with clear plastic wrap. Place jars in large pan of warm water. Maintain water at 100-120° F or set over pilot light on stove. Then cover with a towel. The yogurt will take 5 – 6 hours to thicken (dried yogurt culture takes longer). Refrigerate once the mixture has thickened.

*Note: Goat milk yogurt is very thin, almost like kefir. For a thicker consistency, add 1 packet of unflavored gelatin dissolved in some of the scalded goat milk in step 1. You may also substitute powdered Meyenberg Goat Milk instead of gelatin — add 1/3 cup of powdered milk when making 2 cups of yogurt or 2/3 cup of powdered milk when making one quart of yogurt. Yogurt thickens after being refrigerated.

Made with:


Overnight Oats with Goat Milk


Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl