Spicy Hot Cocoa with Goat Milk

Prep time: 10 minutes. Servings: 2


3 tablespoons cocoa powder

3 cups whole Meyenberg Whole Goat Milk or Low-Fat

6 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

3 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

2 pinches of cayenne


Add 3/4 cup of water to a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer at medium-high heat. Add in the goat milk and whisk in the cocoa powder and cinnamon until smooth and continue at a medium heat. Then mix in the chopped chocolate and sugar. Do not let the mixture boil, as it will change the taste of the goat milk.

Once everything is creamy, pour into cups and garnish with a pinch of cayenne pepper powder per cup.

*Inspired by BA's hot cocoa recipe.

Made with:


Goat Milk Coffee Creamer


Green Goat Milk Smoothie